Friday, February 02, 2007


So i completed the most haneous of acts today.....i went into the Walmart down the street. Now as most of you know, i am sour on people that are just downright ignorant, and what is Walmart known for? (Besides the practice of hiring illegals to do their cleaning at night)


I dont know about you, but i dread going into that shithole. Now i know you have Walmarts where you all hail from, but let me tell you a little about this particular place. First off i feel like i am in another country. Its a rare day when you can get someone to talk to you that speaks English on the first try, not only do they not speak english but they drive their carts like they drive their cars, HORRIBLY. They dont know which side of the isle to be on so they run 3 wide with their little piece of shit kids running circles around them, parents not paying attention. Drives me up a god damn wall and makes me ferious to the breaking point. Which happened today. Allow me to regail the story to you.

I set my pace before i enter the store. I have the long stride, stoic face, and the shoulders rolled back WATCH OUT NOW! As i am striding to the fartherest corner of the store (since will all know that Murphys law of Walmart is that no matter what you need its at the farthest possible point from the port of entry) there is some stupid wetback coming the other way. Now mind you he is talking on his cell phone, there is something that resembles a female counterpart with him yelling at kids next to him, and several little shits running amuck. What happens as i approach the front end of his cart? The mother fucker hits me with the god damn thing. And i am not talking about a little tap. This greasy little shit pushes his cart away from himself in an apparent attempt to cut me off so he can cross in front of me before i get even with him. I went mental. I mean i absolutly lost it. I yelled at him and then without really knowing what was going on i flipped his cart over in the middle of the isle. I'll let that sink in. I flipped his cart over. He took one step in my direction and one look at me and looked like he saw the border patrol. He froze in his tracks slack jawed and then just slowly backed away. I vaguely remember mumbling something about a vato and storming off before i killed the mo fo.

So that was the lovely end of the day. And i vow this, when i see him standing outside the home depot for a job (which he will inevitably be since we all know dirty splibs dont hold real jobs) i am either going to run him down, or pick him up and take him to a "job" and by a job i mean drive to the immigration office and tell him thats where he is working for the day.

So thats my beef. Just thought i'd share it all with you.



Blogger Chad said...

That was hilarious!
were you cat spittin' drunk?
Thank's for introducing me to the word splib!

9:20 AM  
Blogger Nye 1.0! said...

I was stone cold sober. I just dont care for illegal mexicans and there (il)legal children.

5:31 PM  

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