Friday, April 20, 2007

THE Real News....

First off lets start off with a minute of silence for the victims of the Virginia Tech tragedy.....

In the past few weeks we have had some good news to write about. Don Imus was mentioned in the previous post, and while i cant say i will miss the zombie look a like (zombie and IMUS, cant tell me there isnt a resemblance) i think Tom Delay has a point. How can FAT ASS Rosie O'Donnell say some of the offensive things she does on live network television and not at least get suspended by ABC? Read about it here Now i am not saying Tom Delay doesnt have his issues, its just an interesting arguement.

However this is not the real news. While my blog mates of done the previous two posts on illegal immigration and the Donald Imus and the nappy headed hos incident, i have more exciting things to announce.

You are all familiar with natures flying rat, the pigeon. Well here is some exciting news on how to combat the smelly little shit machines. Get a Pelican. Allow me to repeat that, GET…..A….. PELICAN! Why a Pelican you ask? Well didnt you know that a Pelican is a Pigeons natural bird enemy? I realize at this point you are saying, "Yeah right Nye, you are just making shit up now" I assure you that this not the case, i have inconclusive visual video evidence that pelicans DO infact prey on rats with wings. HERE IS THE PROOF YOU SO DESPERATELY SEEK!

So i ask you now what would be better then to see a group of pelicans perched atop the empire state building with the peregrine falcons, discussing their latest exploits in pigeon hunting?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a sad day in Virginia. Good thing we have those International Air Ambulance Service waiting around to save as many people as possible.

11:36 PM  

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