Sunday, December 24, 2006


Now here is a problem effecting the general public. The war on Christmas. And Chad before you get mad allow to further this post. It apparently has gotten bad enough that for the last week, every single night they have had some special about it on Fox News. The most recent show i caught was saying how people of middle eastern descent dont want Christmas pushed on them. As far as i know people arent coming into your house with a tree and making you open gifts on the 25th of December are they? And besides, arent you wasting time complaining about infidel things while you should be attacking the Jews and Hannukah?

The thing that annoyed me most this year was how the Fox channel referred to the impending holiday has Chrismakah. And yet the arab race is not attacking this. I dont go and visit a country in the middle east and complain that there arent enough christmas decorations or that the dictatorship is pressing Ramadon on me.

So to the "war on christmas" i say this to you. Screw you and the Fox family of networks. I am going to put up so many lights you can see me from space giving the middle finger to a sign in my front yard that looks like the Fox news logo.


Saturday, December 23, 2006

Stupid Old Bitch

So i am on my way back from the bank during my lunch hour yesterday. I pull up to the enterance of the plaza is and prepare to make a left hand turn into the parking lot. I clear the turn and as I start to make the turn some old bitch in a white comes out of no where and hits me in the passenger front corner. So this put a severe damper on my day.

BUT WAIT! Here is the kicker, there was no tickets written for the accident which was nice, but i have a criminal court date on the 29th of December now, because apparently it is against the law to have an Arizona drivers license and my car registered to ohio. Even though it is in my name. So I got that going for me.....

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A Box of Wine, the Bible and a 22cal.

So, after a nice box of wine (hiccups) I began to see things that I don't think were there. I looked around the living room in my apartment and my eyes alit upon the book shelf. The room was slowly spinning and my blurred vision could not account for the things I saw when suddenly the Bible fell off the book shelf. It walked over to me and said, "It's been a while, wanna hear a story?" My bible has a voice like an auctioneer after doing a shot of cement, fast and gravely.

No, I said, I've heard all your stories and they (hic) are all hooey! (I talk like that when I'm wasted)

The bible answered, "Yeah, but don't you care about my side of things?".

Intrigued, I picked it up and put it on my lap.

What do you mean, I asked.

The bible said, "You know, I used to be an attractive young thing, interesting and svelt. It wasn't untill about 200 a.d. that I lost my figure and got almost twice as big!"

Yes, I know, but dont you have more to say now? And aren't people more interested in you?

"That's true, I guess, but now I'm sort of schizophrenic and delusional."

How so?

"Well, in the beginning"

Oh, shut up, I've heard that one!

"No, this is a new one, honest!"

Ok go on.

"In the beginning, when the world was still a very messy place and life was mostly limited to lizards, fish, plants and mammals, there was, upon a day (I could tell the bible was getting worked up) a noise like none other yet heardon this pristine world."

A meteor?

"Fucking let me tell the story, huh?"

Ok, sorry, want some wine?

"Fuckin' A right I want some wine! My throat is getting even more gravely and my spine hurts!"


"Anyway, this sound was unto the world like a jarring and terrible thing and changed life forever and ever anon!"

Was it that stupid meteor?

"No, you fucking flesh bag, I'll tell you what it was if you just keep your filthy drunk ass quiet!"

You're just pissed I used some of your pages for rolling paper.

"Fuckin' A I am! And it wasn't some rediculous meteor, it was a space ship! The marvelous craft set down and began to dim. And lo, upon a hiltop there emerged a great and powerfull being!"


"FUCK!!!! SHUT YOUR ASS!!!! ... No, best beloved, it was an alien."


"His name was Jim or something, and he was on vacation from the matter transposition factory where he worked during the summer while attending night school to be an accountant. Jim had traveled for three days and just wanted to do some camping on a world where he wouldn't have to talk to anyone. Then upon the next day, after the sun had arisen and the world was bathed in its heavenly light, Jim set out into the wilderness to explore this land which he had called Urp, after having burped up a little stomach acid drinking at his campfire."


"Fuck you say? I am the book of all books! Originator of religions and wars and even mormons, although they made up some other stupid shit, and you dare say bullshit?"

Well, it just seems to me that given the existance of extra terrestrial life with spacefaring technology and a penchant for vacations, there should be a significant ammoount of travel, at least in our stellar vicinity, allowing for our knowledge of their existance. Also, though I understand the significance of the homologous sound between Earth and Urp, I find it rather absurd that the nomenclature of this fargone age could have descended to us in this far removed time.

"Oh, so you have it all figured out Mr. Spankwad! You think you have the entire history and phisiognomy of the ENTIRE UNIVERSE IN YOUR LITTLE PIG HEAD? WHY DON'T YOU JUST DRINK UP LIKE A GOOD BOY, CUZ THE ADULTS ARE TALKING NOW!!!"

Ok. Sorry, (shwigs wine) go on.

"Huff. Well, Jim was hiking right? He wandered throughout God's creation, marveling at the unspoiled beauty of it all. The way the light refracted of the water just so, the smell of the warm loamy soil he had just stepped into... That was no loamy soil, it was poo! Suddenly a grunting, chortling noise came toward him from on high. Gazing upward Jim saw the most beautifull thing he had ever seen."

Jesus christ (covers face with hands and leans backward)

"Wrong again, dickweed, it was Genevive, an ape of the species Homo erectus which gave Jim the feeling of Alien erectus, if you know what I mean."


"And that they did, young man, which started this whole mess off. You see, God wasn't looking for a world full of sychophantic worshippers, he was into life in general and propigating it into such beauty as he desired when, basically, his petri dish was contaminated."

Aliens came and fucked a monkey?

"That's right. You are a bastard child of interstellar bestiality and your God is playing with you. You are a transplant..."

I'm a transplant?

"Yup you're a transplant."

(chuckles) That's funny, cuz you're a fucking watermellon.

So I shot my bible. You would have done the same and to tell you the truth it felt good. I'm worried though. I lock my doors every night because I know there will be a rebuttal. My only hope is that I can deal with the aggressor. I think I could take out all the Hindu Vedas, but what about the Book of Mormon? If the Kama Sutra comes for me, I'm fucked! Or, and this is the scariest, if the Koran comes for me I know, beyond a doubt, that my entire apartment building is in danger. Thus, I set out for the hills with only the help of a few legal books and dictionaries. It will be a hard life but I intend to see it through.

Where is juice?

Monday, December 18, 2006

Rare Day


First off let me say that i am almost excited to have this blog back up running as i am about the fact that Chadley is the new blogmate. That whole Juice thing didnt work out so well, but perhaps seeing my ire drawn by someone else he will get his ass in gear.....or not.

Secondly i would like to tell you how i got my life threatened at work today. So this total thug comes into work and by 10 boxes that are 18 x 12 x 12. Now let me tell you what he is going to do with these boxes. He will go home and grab about 15 pounds of marijuana wrapped in cellophane and surround it with some coffee to not arouse suspicion. Then he will bring it back and pay approximatly $150 per box to get it to a residence by 8am the next morning. And not only that but alot of them call back for tracking numbers on the boxes like they are going to file a claim about missing product .

Now we will gladly take his $1500 and send his weed, but how stupid do you think UPS is when you send 10 boxes to the same address that all weight the same and want them there by 8am. Honestly who in their right mind would want something to there house by 8am?

That being said one of this jackass's boxes got "seized for internal investigation" which means that there is a drug investigation going on in regards to the shipment. Now said ass thought this meant that i stole the package. He comes into MY store and trys to threaten me......OH HELL NO!

So the infuriated man proceeds to threaten me and tell me he is going to wait for me. I do him one better and tell him come to my house.

Now let me take a minute and tell you why i have all told you this story so far. Here is the kicker. In true Jack and Elwood fashion i tell the neanderthal that i live at 201 East Jefferson Ave #4. Which is the gate number and address of US Airways Arena where the Phoenix Suns play. So basically the whole store was in homage to the 1060 west addison joke from Blues Brothers.

Nye 1.0

PS still have angst with Juice

Romance for Beginners

State of Emergency
My name is Chad and I am a romantic. In today's world there is so little romance that I could almost choke a dolphin with a baby seal. Where has it gone? It used to be you couldn't walk through the park without stumbling over at least 4 homosexuals groping eachother in a mudpuddle. I remember going to the county fair and seeing toothless hillbillies vying for eachothers affections with phrases like, "I'm twice as good as your Uncle." and, "I'll teach you the meaning of fit as a fiddle!"...? Anyway, we need to bring romance back into our lives. I suggest the following actions as recourse. First, when you feel the warm spring air and smell the sweet odor of the honeysuckle on a spring nite, never be afraid to shave the hair off your head and walk fifteen miles to the strip club where you can find some people who really need love. No, not the strippers, the clientell! Before the poor, lovelorn man has time to spend his money simply take him by the hand and walk him out into the sultry spring air where you can jump him and take his wallet. Reentering the stripclub, simply sit and watch the titties shake on your "date" with several of the areas finest looking singlemothersputtingmyselfthroughschoolandallthekidreallyneedsisagoodfathersothatitwillhavethefutureshealwayswantedjustbecauseheruncletouchedherwhenshewasyoungandnowsheshowshertitstofilltheemptyplaceinsidewhereselfrespectoncelived.
Aaaah. Turn on the Barry White 'cuz that's romance! But nothing truly says romance like a bottle of champagne, a man playing the violin, rose petals and lobster while the body fluids of a dead hooker congeal on the wall where you hung her to practice your javelin throwing.
And who, prey tell, can ignore the allure of Christmas? The draining time of year when the old loves return in the starry eyes of illigitimate children left on your doorstep, but you're so wasted on egg nog and pain killers that you don't notice the doorbell and wake up to a bastard-sickle on your doorstep on Christmas morning. Aaaah the memories!
Well, to all the ships at sea and all you out there in radio land, remember, It's time to put the romance back into your lives. Think of other people during this holiday season and buy thoughtfull gifts for those around you, like a bullet for that suicidal friend or an archery set for that one armed friend, or an airhorn for those ailing of cardiac disease, or a chemistry set for the nice bearded man in the turban with the Fuck America shirt on.

I have no problem with juice.
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