Sunday, April 29, 2007

Should I stay or should i go?

Yes, I'm referencing the song. But the reason for the question is this... Say that one day, scientist finally tell us that they have now discovered that we can inhabit other worlds. Think about it. A new world to live in! What an opportunity for a new start! They say that everybody will be given the opportunity for a one time trip there. One time meaning that once your there, you cant come back. Would you go? In a new world there is much of the unknown.

For me the answer would be simply..Hell No. Why? Numerous reasons. What if these worlds already have there own governments and leaders. Obviously we would be the minority. And you can throw out basic human rights. Are we arrogant enough to expect at least that. WE are the ALIENS to them. I would hate to think that we weren't smart enough to repair the best world any of us ever lived in. "Abandon Earth!". Curious people would definitely want to go. "We could start all over!" Yeah right!

Humans would find brand new ways to corrupt the new world. And where would they be? In a world at war with humankind for all the damage they've caused. Wouldn't any body miss the world they were born into. The one with blue skies. Cool breezes. The oceans and all the life we've come to know and love. Kinda sappy, but I would not want to gamble that life for a fresh start. I want to go down with the ship. If you gotta go, go with a smile.

Friday, April 20, 2007

THE Real News....

First off lets start off with a minute of silence for the victims of the Virginia Tech tragedy.....

In the past few weeks we have had some good news to write about. Don Imus was mentioned in the previous post, and while i cant say i will miss the zombie look a like (zombie and IMUS, cant tell me there isnt a resemblance) i think Tom Delay has a point. How can FAT ASS Rosie O'Donnell say some of the offensive things she does on live network television and not at least get suspended by ABC? Read about it here Now i am not saying Tom Delay doesnt have his issues, its just an interesting arguement.

However this is not the real news. While my blog mates of done the previous two posts on illegal immigration and the Donald Imus and the nappy headed hos incident, i have more exciting things to announce.

You are all familiar with natures flying rat, the pigeon. Well here is some exciting news on how to combat the smelly little shit machines. Get a Pelican. Allow me to repeat that, GET…..A….. PELICAN! Why a Pelican you ask? Well didnt you know that a Pelican is a Pigeons natural bird enemy? I realize at this point you are saying, "Yeah right Nye, you are just making shit up now" I assure you that this not the case, i have inconclusive visual video evidence that pelicans DO infact prey on rats with wings. HERE IS THE PROOF YOU SO DESPERATELY SEEK!

So i ask you now what would be better then to see a group of pelicans perched atop the empire state building with the peregrine falcons, discussing their latest exploits in pigeon hunting?

Friday, April 13, 2007

Nappy headed hoes and you: what you need to know!

I've been dwelling over this Don Imus incident for some time now and the more I think about it, the more I believe that Don Imus is totally in the right. Read me out.... First off, Imus was wrong for calling the entire team hoes; surely at least one of those girls isn't loose, easy, or a powerblower. That was definitely a mistake, but it was a simple linguistic error, which happens all the time in broadcasting. And then again, you only need the team to be made up of just over half hoes in order to refer to the majority of team by that term, which would be a correct statement to make. Maybe Don knew some things, but I guess I'll give the team the benefit of the doubt.
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Dave.." as you exhale your lungs completely in one word in that way that annoys me so much, "This is a racial thing. He called them nappy headed!" as you gesture towards your head as if I've never heard of a head. NO! I say! This is not a race issue, like some would like you to believe. Which term is a racial slur: nappy headed or ho? The answer is neither. A ho is a ho, whether black, white, or half japanese/half white (which is my favorite kind). And to have a nappy head is to have nappy hair which is to half rough or coarse and tangled hair which is to have a bad haircut. Granted, to call someone a nappy headed ho is typically done in a racist fashion but the term is not restricted to black people. For instance, I called my roommate a nappy headed ho and he just smiled and laughed. This all brings me to my ultimate point: the only people who should determine what racial slurs are should be the ones who say them. For instance if I called Al Sharpton a blacky, it would be a racist slur because I intended to be. This is not for Al Sharpton to decide. Also, while we're chatting about Al, I think it's very hypocritical to threaten to boycott everything affiliated with Imus' network unless he's fired and then turn around to say, "We don't come here to bring Imus down but to bring goodness up." So in closing, nappy headed ho isn't a racial slur unless you want it to be. You said it, own up to it. Be the best racist you can Don! Show those nappy headed hos (all the white people with untreated hair who don't believe in you and are easy) what you're all about.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Holy Crap!!!

You will not see this heart-stopping photo on the front page of the NY Times or on the lead story of the major news networks. The protesters put up the Mexican flag over the American flag flying upside down at Montebello High School in California.

I predict this stunt will be the nail in the coffin of any guest-worker/amnesty plan on the table in Washington . The image of the American flag subsumed to another and turned upside down on American soil is already spreading on Internet forums and via e-mail.

Pass this along to every American citizen in your address books and to every representative in the state and federal government. If you choose to remain uninvolved, do not be amazed when you no longer have a nation to call your own nor anything you have worked for left since it will be "redistributed" to the activists while you are so peacefully staying out of the "fray." Check history, it is full of nations/empires that disappeared when its citizens no longer held their core beliefs and values. One person CAN make a difference. One plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one.........

The battle for our secure borders and immigration laws that actually mean something, however, hasn't even begun. If this ticks YOU off...PASS IT ON!
Also Don Imus is a pussy, he didn't do shit wrong and is acting like stupid milk toast Micheal Richards!
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